Dual-Blade Shear Cutoff Application: Warehouse Storage Rack Manufacturer

Challenge: The Haven dual-blade shear cutoff is widely known in the industry for its flexibility to cut various tubular shapes; round, square, rectangle, oval, etc. If the clam shell style clamp dies can encapsulate the tube shape, then there is a good chance we can cut it. Round tube is the easiest and most obvious. Square tube is cut on the diagonal, corner to corner. Rectangle shapes are not as straight forward. In general, if the long side of the rectangle is equal to or less than 2 times the short side, the cut is on the diagonal. Beyond the 2 to 1 ratio, in order to get the best quality cut possible, the tube is rotated 45° from the die centerline. This causes the top corner radius to shift to the front or back of the centerline, which also requires the shear blade point to be offset to match the new corner radius location. The blade now has a compound included angle. In this Case Study, a Haven Model #875 Dual-Blade Shear Cutoff is equipped with side shifting on the bundle loader and exit Tube Guide Sort Table. With the clamp die and shear blade positioned to the front of centerline, the customer is able to cut 1.0” x 4.0” and 1.0” x 5.0” rectangle tube, with no deformation and minimal burr.

Results: The Haven dual-blade shear cutoff process is the most flexible and productive tube cutting method on the market. Haven is a full service turnkey equipment supplier to a wide variety of tubular applications for cut-to-length, finishing and material handling.

Dual-blade shear cutting

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Line of Business
Tube Fabricators
Target Markets
Warehouse Storage Rack Manufacturer
Haven Products in Use
• Model 873 Dual-Blade Shear Cutoff – Rectangle Tube