Haven’s Servo Double End Finisher for Pipe Couplings

Application: Stainless Steel Mechanical Pipe Couplings Challenge: A leading mechanical pipe coupling manufacturer chose Haven Manufacturing to design and build a double end finishing machine for pre-formed stainless steel couplings.  Haven is well known for precision...

Our Dual-Blade Shear Tube Cutting Technology

Metal tubes have countless consumer and industrial applications ranging from weaponry to home decor. Tubes are an essential component of products made for many industries, including aerospace, automotive, storage, recreation, and HVAC. Tubes can vary in size, weight,...

Trim Machine Provides Fast, Low-cost Solution

Application: Trimming large diameter/heavy wall tube Solution: Stam, Inc. of Mentor, OH is a tubular fabricator specializing in heavy truck and machinery applications. Most of their products go through a bending process. As with most bent tubular forms, there is...

Haven Pre-Owned and Factory Reconditioned Machines

▶ Pre-Owned Equipment ▶ Making Your Equipment Better Than The Original ▶ Pre-Purchase Machine Evaluations ▶ Integrate 2021 Productivity Into Your Older Equipment ▶ Return to Rebuilds, Retrofit, Upgrades Page ▶ Call Us Direct at 912-265-7536 or Click Here Haven...

Haven’s Material Handling Solutions

Material Handling Solutions Our versatility and deep knowledge of the tube processing industry gives us the flexibility to provide a wide range of customized material handling solutions to meet any application. Through successful partnerships with experienced...